How could anybody hate a fairy?

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Apr 23Liked by SCA

with any conflict the most important part is how to solve it, getting past the pain and getting back to a form of earthly harmony. but really big conflicts need a lot of effort, from many sides (and cultists aren't well-known for their flexibility). most of us want peace.

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Exactly. Organized religions provided the structures needed to developing civilizations…. But to piggy back on your op Ed, organized religions have outlived their good. What we now know about the age and infiniteness of our universe would seem enormous enough for a “course correction “ if you will. I mean here we are watching the Middle East destroy itself over what? Several religions a mere several thousand years old?? It’s why I keep saying it would possibly be a good thing for some ETs to show up for some proper perspective….

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👍 Here's looking at you kid ... 😉🙂

Reminds me though of Wafa Sultan's "A God Who Hates", highly recommended though rather depressing:


Pretty much all religions have their pathological manifestations -- I'm reminded of the " 'abominable fancy' [which] was first used by Frederic Farrar for the long-standing Christian idea that the eternal punishment of the damned in Hell entertains the saved in Heaven"; schadenfreude for fun and prophet/profit:


But Islam seems particularly prone to that.

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